Saturday, February 13, 2021

Trading Summary Week Ended 12th February 2021


26 Trades:

3 AAL + 65 BPS.
23 UK100 + 56 BPS.

15 long trades  + 75 BPS.
11 short trades + 46 BPS.
26 intra-day trades + 121 BPS.
No multi-day trades.
Total trades net  + 121 BPS.

Return on account for the week + 6.38 % net.
P:L ratio N/A.
Days traded: 5.
Longest trade duration: 90 min.
Shortest trade duration:  1 min.
(All PNL expressed in basis points for the purpose of comparison.)


A better week's trading, equity markets over in the US made new all tine highs, although the FTSE is still well off its highs. 
I was scalping the FTSE and made a couple of really poor trade exits.
Well over my 2.5 % benchmark.
Hopefully I can continue this form for the rest of the month.

Stay disciplined.
Stay focussed.
Stay humble.

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