6 Trades:
6 US 500 + 5 BPS.
No short trades.
6 intraday trades + 5 BPS.
No multi-day trades.
Total trades net + 5 BPS.
Net points + 2.44.
Net points + 2.44.
Return on account for the week: + 2.08 % net.
P:L ratio:N/A.
Days traded: 3.
Longest trade duration: 28 min.
Shortest trade duration: < 1 min.
(All PNL expressed in basis points for the purpose of comparison.)
Days traded: 3.
Longest trade duration: 28 min.
Shortest trade duration: < 1 min.
(All PNL expressed in basis points for the purpose of comparison.)
A quiet week, over in the US we had the Thanksgiving holiday, equity markets were closed on Thursday.
Very few trades.
Well short of
my 2.5 % weekly benchmark.
Hoping for more opportunities, and better trade executions next week.
Stay disciplined.
Stay focussed.
Stay humble.
Stay focussed.
Stay humble.