35 Trades:
24 US500 - 460 BPS.
11 UK100 - 140 BPS.
18 long trades + 1092 BPS.
17 short trades - 1692 BPS.
27 intra-day trades + 64 BPS.
8 multi-day trades - 664 BPS.
17 short trades - 1692 BPS.
27 intra-day trades + 64 BPS.
8 multi-day trades - 664 BPS.
Total trades net - 600 BPS.
Return on account for the week - 4.22 % net.
Return on account for the week - 4.22 % net.
P:L ratio 0.69:1.
Days traded: 5.
Longest trade duration: 47 days min.
Shortest trade duration: 1 min.
(All PNL expressed in basis points for the purpose of comparison.)
A very poor week for me on the equity markets.
Days traded: 5.
Longest trade duration: 47 days min.
Shortest trade duration: 1 min.
(All PNL expressed in basis points for the purpose of comparison.)
A very poor week for me on the equity markets.
The market continued to grind higher, and the SPX and Dow made new all time highs.
Crypto markets were very strong again, ETH made a new all time high above $ 4,400.
For the month of October, I made 121 trades my P&L was + 0.51 %.
Hoping for for better returns next month.
Stay disciplined.
Stay focussed.
Stay humble.
Stay focussed.
Stay humble.