24 Trades:
2 AAL + 799 BPS.
11 US500 + 44 BPS.
11 UK100 + 206 BPS.
17 long trades + 972 BPS.
7 short trades + 77 BPS.
19 intra-day trades + 71 BPS.
5 multi-day trades + 978 BPS.
Total trades net + 1,049 BPS.
Return on account for the week + 3.42 % net.
Return on account for the week + 3.42 % net.
P:L ratio N/A.
Days traded: 5.
Longest trade duration: 12 days.
Shortest trade duration: < 1 min.
(All PNL expressed in basis points for the purpose of comparison.)
Another week of volatility on the equity markets.
Days traded: 5.
Longest trade duration: 12 days.
Shortest trade duration: < 1 min.
(All PNL expressed in basis points for the purpose of comparison.)
Another week of volatility on the equity markets.
The FTSE broke below 6930 on Tuesday, rallied to a high of 7093.93 on Thursday.
In the US, the SPX made new all time highs again this week.
A tricky week, and some good trades missed.
For the month of July, I made 207 trades and a net profit of 23.97 %.
Looking forward to more trading opportunities next month.
Stay disciplined.
Stay focussed.
Stay humble.
Stay focussed.
Stay humble.