38 Trades:
1 BHP - 199 BPS.
1 BP + 479 BPS.
1 GLEN + 403 BPS.
1 MTRO + 246 BPS.1 BP + 479 BPS.
1 GLEN + 403 BPS.
34 UK100 + 2032 BPS.
1 long trade + 15 BPS.
37 short trades + 2946 BPS.
25 intra-day trades + 938 BPS.
13 multi-day trade + 2023 BPS.
Total trades net + 2961 BPS.
Return on account for the week + 3.96 % net.
P:L ratio 26:1.
Days traded: 5.
Longest trade duration: 458 days.
Shortest trade duration: 1 min.
(All PNL expressed in basis points for the purpose of comparison.)
Another very volatile week on the equity markets.
Markets sold off sharply, after seemingly ignoring the Corona virus situation for weeks.
The FTSE made a new low for 2020 on Monday, and then broke below that on Tuesday, Wednesday, and lower again on Thursday and again on Friday when it broke 6500, taking the weeks losses to more than 900 points. Later on Friday it bounced to finish 823 points down for the week (11.12%), quite incredible really.
The Dow lost more than 3500 points.
Crude oil again was also very weak.
Unfortunately, I think the Corona virus will now spread worldwide, it's already in Europe with new outbreaks in Northern Italy, a worry as the Italian border is a mere 30 km from here.
A better week's trading for me, mostly on the FTSE, nearly all shorts, and above my weekly 2.5% benchmark. But it was an an exhausting week.
For the month of February, I made 67 trades for a net return of 4.22%. A very challenging month.
Looking forward to more trading opportunities in March.
Stay disciplined.
Stay focussed.
Stay humble.