4 Trades:
1 BHP + 29 BPS.1 BP + 72 BPS.
1 FRES + 758 BPS.
1 UK100 + 31 BPS.
2 long trades + 60 BPS.
2 short trades + 830 BPS
0 intraday trades.
4 multi-day trades + 890 BPS.
Total trades net + 890 BPS.
Return on account for the week + 0.23 % net.
P:L ratio N/A.
Days traded: 5.
Longest trade duration: 44 days.
Shortest trade duration: 1 day.
(All PNL expressed in basis points for the purpose of comparison.)
A poor week's trading on the equity markets.
The FTSE was pretty range bound between the 7320 - 7450 levels.
Meanwhile, in the US the SPX made yet another new all time high, above 3150.
Again below my weekly 2.5% benchmark.
Looking forward to a better week next week.
Stay disciplined.
Stay focussed.
Stay humble.