14 Stock Trades:
2 AAL + 169 BPS.
2 BLT + 57 BPS.
2 BT.A + 125 BPS.
2 BP + 49 BPS.
2 GLEN + 126 BPS.
4 UK100 + 149 BPS.
11 long trades + 563 BPS.
3 short trades + 112 BPS.
9 intra-day trades + 350 BPS.
5 multi-day trades + 325 BPS.
Stocks net + 675 BPS.
Return on account for the week + 5.80 % net.
P:L ratio N/A.
Days traded:4.
Longest trade duration: 22 days.
Shortest trade duration: 1 min.
(All PNL expressed in basis points for the purpose of comparison.)
Another four day week, due to the May bank holiday.
The FTSE made yet another 30 day high on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The rally shows no sign of ending.
Miners and oil stocks were volatile again, crude oil was bid higher after Donald Trump cancelled the Iran deal.
BT.A fell over 8% on Thursday after releasing results. I scalped a few points on a couple of longs on it.
Made a few very poor trade exits this week, including closing BLT long much too soon, given how strong the sector was.
Well above my 2.5% weekly benchmark.
Looking forward to further opportunities next week.
Stay disciplined.
Stay focussed.
Stay humble.